
when i went to fetch my kids from the kindergarten, most of time i saw them sitting quietly in orderly manner, while enjoying watching the videos. it is not the videos that matter, but the way of their sitting that really attracted me more.
have you ever seen seiza-sitting style? what is seiza? seiza is a Japanese term for the traditional formal way of sitting. to sit seiza-style, one first kneels on the floor, folding one's legs underneath one's thighs, while resting the buttocks on the heels. depending on the circumstances, the hands are folded modestly in the lap, or are placed palm down on the upper thighs with the fingers close together, or are placed on the floor next to the hips. the back is kept straight. traditionally, women sit with the knees together while men separate them slightly. doing seiza-sitting style is a required part of several traditional Japanese arts such as certain martial arts and tea ceremony.
a women in seiza-sitting style performing tea ceremony.
for those who are unfamiliar with this seiza-style will having difficulties to maintain it for more a minute or two, tends to leads to loss of circulation and what so ever. however the physical discomfort lessen with experience as the blood circulation improves. experienced seiza practitioners can maintain the posture for forty minutes or more with minimal discomfort. Certain knee problems also are greatly agitated when performing this position.
from my experience, seiza-sitting style helps one absorb the heat, so that it will reduces cold and it really works especially during this winter time.
so guys, you can practising to sit this style of sitting as it good for body balancing and any other legs problem. below is a real model of kid who was well trained with seiza-sitting style since start.



MyBotanG said…
Kawai Ari-chan.. rasanyer kat Kibo jek yg bebudak nyer sungguh berdisiplin, kindy lain lompat sana sini jek lebih..
Idayu said…
kak sue,
iya ker? ooo mg bagus la ek kibo hoikuen nih. rs mcm pelik jer mcmana sensei diorng bole train bdk2 nih jdk baik n duduk diam mcm tuh esp yg kecik2 dlm tempoh ms yg lama??pelik3x
Qimy said…
wah ayu, baru seminggu aku x bukak blog ko, dah mcm3 cita..

heh comel anak ko duk mcmtu..mak dia xwat camtu ke? :p
Idayu said…
nk buat mcmana qim, ni ler kija aku!

kejap2 bole ler..lelama duduk mcm tuh sesemut kaki aku weh!

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