yuki asobu - skiing version


It was like a  dream actually to have this opportunity.  I had wanted to try this out since 2 years ago and didn't get to it until last Tuesday. Together with my "housewife" friends, off we went to Echigo Hillside Park, again... but this time with a "single" tittle, as the kids were at school.  We enjoyed every little moments we had, it really nice to be given chances to do things on our own without need to chase or worries about kids.
As this was my first time on it, i cannot expressed the difficulty of it but i do feel that skiing is just same as roller blading, which need a good body balancing skills and absolutely when you sliding down it was really exciting! But of course as a beginner we only tried it on the small slope.

Yes, i feel so free the moment i slided over the snow and we plan to have it again next time. Perhaps someday we will get a chances to try on snowboarding?? may be...insyAllah


yatie chomeyl said…
i try gak skiing last weekend, terkial2 sampai ke sudah. last2 posing je yg lebih kui3x
Tq kak for komen kat blog tu. Seronoknya dpt main. Betulla kak sesekali dpt jadi 'solo' mcm ni best gak kan
Ummi Salsabila said…
Seronoknya berskying! Bila dpt try pula ni.;)
Idayu said…
yatie chomeyl,
same goes to us, konon nk maen ski tp masing2 heret slr sorang satu. penat posing n penat pikul camera he3

dh sihat ker sumanya? hopefully everything back to normal again.
mmg, kami yg "xde kija" nih mmg selalu merewang time ank2 pgi skool.

ummi salsabila,
salam kenal. seronok, kalu ader peluang try la maen..hilang la kejap suma ketensionan surirmh nih!
Anonymous said…
heheh bestnyer g main salji..
Idayu said…
kak nani,

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