kecelaruan bahasa

i think it is common for kids who live in foreign country to face this language disorder(kecelaruan bahasa). For my kids they are exposed to mainly two language, nihonggo(japanese language) and of course bahasa Melayu.  We absolutely are not speaking nihonggo at home but sometimes the conversation itself become rojak bocause of the influent of environment we live in now.  Somehow,   it sounds funny and cute especially when my kids had to mix the words from both language together (and sometimes english) when it comes to 'confusing mode'.

Ari chan had been using this pattern of sentences, always...

"mama, hot kunai la"(mama, tak panas la)
"kore no pan, tasty kunai"(roti  ni tak sedap)
OK Ari chan?..................... "OK kunai!"( tak OK)
"mama, nak nasik kudasai!"(mama, nak nasik please!)
adik nk brush teeth ker?................."brush teeth jyanai"(bukan brush teeth)

and sometimes she called her father like this, "papa kun, papa kun! abunai yo.."
(kun is refer to a boy in japanese while chan is a calling name for girl like ari chan)

Dada is even better than ari in this case, she can manage to switch nihonggo-malay and vice versa quite well depends on the situation.  But sometimes she just couldn't control herself from mixing up the words like this...
while counting up to 50....

Thirty, thirty one, thirty two, thirty san.....oopppss!!!  (san is three in nihonggo)

They used to pronounce the words soooo in japanese accent for example,

hato>> heart

and last but not least hb and i are both speechless and sometimes got earache each time dada sing this song in her japan-glish accent..

twinkuru twinkuru ritoru suta
how i wanda what you are
up above the warudo so high
like a dimondo in the suky....


Unknown said…
hehe...susah gak kan...tapi klu dah biasa ok dapat blaja bahasa jepun...i bagus lah bahasa malaysia, bahasa inggeris n tambah 1 lagi bahsa jepun...
Asmara said…
haha.. sama la kes ngan Batrisya nih. Nampak gaya nihongo lagi teror dari maraygo. hehe..
yatie chomeyl said…
tu la pasal, sensei kat hoikuen Nazhan pun komplen Nazhan tak dengar cakap sensei.

hakikatnya nazhan tengah confused dengan 4 bahasa yang dia dengar hari2 i.e. Nihon-go, English, Malay and Qelate hehehe.
Idayu said…
bagus jugak sbb kdg2, kalu mak bpk x paham ank2 yg tlg bgtau he3, dia pulak yg tlg ajokan..

tuh la, batrisya ckp melayu pon dah ala2 pelat tuh..dada baca buku nihonggo lagi suka n fluent dr buku melayu...mcmna tuh??:(

yatie chomeyl,
sokka...lg confuse tuh he3 termasuk lg satu bahasa ibunda, qelate-go eh?
Ajzie said…
Hahahahah.kelakar kan Ayu.. tapi cute kalau dengar kan..... hehehehe
MyBotanG said…
*Sofea says - mommy paksa shiteta*
Idayu said…
kak azie,
sure ank2 akk pon dh fluent german-go..kan? tuh la, blk nnti kena polish blk sumanya..tapi mmg sangat2 kawaii dengo diorng ckp.

kak sue,
ha3..sofea kawaii..rasanyer suma ank2 kita pon sama.kdg2 kalu tepon nenek dia, dada sampai hilang vocab nk ckp bagus jgk sbb diorng tahu 3 bhs sekaligus..

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