do or die

Have you ever experienced waiting for a particular day that full of uncertain consequence and anxious? It is like you are given a dateline of something, then you have to count the day until the time comes. Within the period, there are so many things that running on your mind and cause you discomfit. But, when the day has comes what happened?

Have you ever experienced when your first time drive, you are about to reach a roundabout and you feel like shiver of fear. Can I pass the roundabout, what if the traffic heavy and there is no chance to move the car? Then, the impatient car driver start to blared the horn? But, when you are there, driving the car by your own then you know for the real the exact time and action taken to make the car move. It was not that difficult actually.

When I was in primary school, I admired this one teacher very much. He was tall, handsome, kind and very friendly. He teached me on bahasa melayu, and I enjoyed his class very much. Until one day, the exam comes and I made an essay of something(I forgot the title’s about). In the essay I did confessed that he was the most handsome teacher that I ever had. It was only a clause that I stated clearly about him. After the exam finished, I realized that I made a really silly stupid thing, as he was the only one who will check that essay. Then, my life began miserable, everything was not in the right order. I’ve thought of every way to get back that script answer just to erase that clause. I even prayed for his house to get burnt, together with the script. How cruel I was to my own beloved teacher. I was only 11, and couldn’t think of something matured. The chaotic period continued for weeks and I’m felt ashamed to look at his face and no more concentration, just waited impatiently for the class over. But, when he returned the script answer nothing was happened. I got B+ for that essay and he told the class that every student did well in the exam. It was just like that!! I felt like I’m wasting a lot to think of this ridiculous matter.

Why do I bring these entire situations here? Actually, these few days were a rainy day for hubby. He had something up regarding his studies and I’m trying hard to cheer him up. Looking at his disappoints and stress face, I know his feeling deep inside. Knowing this man, he is quite spoilt and it would take some time to recover. Something that been done cannot be undone. There must be some good reason behind. We have to continue to go through, it is not as bad as expected. I know he will read this somehow.

Today, he goes to the lab after a few days of mogok. I just hope and pray the sorrow go away very soon and everything will getting fine again. Then, hubby will be able to catch his passion that flies. This is all I can do, for someone that is so called hubby.


lady zaini said…
alala...soooooo comey!!kira macam high school crush ler kan? ngehe..
saya suka cikgu mana yek?mmmm...

so sweet, dedication utk mr hubby..

hrap everything ok. ntah ler apa masalahnya, tp org jepun konservatif (yg tua2 etc mcm svisor husband sy, yg muda mcm svisor sy dulu ok) mmg susah nk deal sket. nk kita ikut cara dia, masa dia. diorg nk kita angguk2, balik lewat malam, wat kija smpai tido lab...
takper, slow2..
Charms Allure said…
Yelah masa zaman tu semua benda rasa amplified. Masa teenagers lagi worst. Hormones kot.

Hope everything will be allright!!
Idayu said…
hahaha malunyer, itu crita 20 thn lps...

haah,masalahnya remeh temeh tp impaknya besar..yg pnting bukan salah hubby, tu yg wat dia rasa terkilan sgt2..

ntah ler, dh abis usaha..biar ler masa yg mengubat segalanya chewahhh..

haah, diorang mmg dedicated ngan kija mcm awak ckp tuh..anyway tq k..a very good luck for you both.

charms allure,

tq...salam kenal.
Nur said…
ayu..siannya hubby ayu..
segalanya akan ada jln penyelesaiannya...

only the tough gets going..
Idayu said…
besa ler, org blaja mmg bnyk masalah kn..mcm kita gak dulu, punyalah tertonggeng nk abiskn degree elektrik tuh kikikiki

tp this time dugaannya berat, plak tuh kat negara org. sentimentalnyer lebih.kita pon mesti tension kalu kena mcm dia..

takpe la, dugaan..itu jugakler yg aku ckp pd dia berkali2..itu jer yg mampu isk..iskk..isk

anyway sedap plak panggil ko'nur'..lembut gitu..

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