vending machine
have you ever seen this kind of machine? Actually it is a vending machine for selling baby diaper. I was very attracted to it when i was first time saw. But you could see the machine everywhere here, in fact there is other machine that sell bun, cigarette, ice cream beside selling drinks which commonly we have in Malaysia. These vending machines are placed everywhere and they are in good condition and well maintain. I was away for sometime, and may be i missed something but i guess they are a step ahead in technology and a very highly civilized society.
kak ayu bila sampai nihon?ingat akk lama lg kat msia. eh jun nnti balik lg ke? tiket yg ... tu. hehe..
tuh la diorng mmg msyrkt yg bertamadun tinggi.
lg satu suka tgk meachine2 nih, sgt2 dijaga and mmg org jepun suka beli kat vending machine kan.
telor x penah tgk lagi, ada ek? fuiihh kena extra hati2 la tuh..
akk sampai sni 8april lps, cukup2 lah cuti tuh lama beno..
tuh ler, rasa mcm xnk blk jek. kira burn jek tiket tuh..duit dh x dok he3..tatau lagi la, tgk mcmna nnti.
Kak, dulu masa belajar mikro-p kat utm ant soklan glemer time exam buat program VM ni kan :))
ader ker udang? akk x penah tgk so far..
hahahahaha ingt lg kat subjek mikro-p tu eh? en nik ke apa ntah nma lecturer tuh? ada kot sokla2 mcm tuh, tp sokmo dapat karipap tuh yg x berapa nk ingt kehkehkeh
mmg canggih la kalu ader vendor utk udang,
hahahaha...karipap pon sodapp!