contact lense

if you one of the user, you might know how true this story i'm about to tell.  I started use lenses during my second year of university as one of my friend made a move in using it. i bought it using my scholarship money at rm200 per pair and can be used for 2 years. since then, i'm being a hardcore user as i have this skin allergic which means my skin cannot bear contacting with any material in such a long time(gold is exceptional).  If it so, it will leave a mark or a rushes appear on the contact area which can lead to wound, in this case mark appeared between eyes and nose and area between eyes and ears.  One more thing is i feel my tudung condition become imperfect once i use the specs, beside i look older than my age.

so within these long time of using it, there are many real, funny story to be shared here.

  1. my friend who first invent to this field has fall asleep once she put the lenses on.  it was inside bus and when she wakes up she rubbed her eyes just like everyone did after get shocking from sleep. suddenly she aware that her eyes was blurred and actually one of the lenses fall accidentally while she rubbed her eyes.  It was her first time use and it costs rm200! hehehe
  2. i lost my lens while perform rukuk during prayers.  And i failed to find it until finally i realized it was somewhere in my eye! you cannot see throughly if the lens is not properly fit over the cornea and you cannot feel the existence of it neither because it is made by very thin curved plastic or glass.
  3. i have had suffered from sore-eyed several times 
  4. During my thesis writing time, i have been wearing lenses for 2 days continuously without a minute of removing it.  It was because we were not sleep during that time so i dont even have time to remove them.
  5. i have had fall asleep with lenses in my eyes several times! this happened usually when i was forgotten about it at all.
  6. i dont use lenses during my 4month pregnancy onwards. this is for healthy purpose. 
  7. by using lenses, it teach me about being discipline and the importance of hygiene which means i never go to bed without brushing teeth, washing face, removing the lenses . even i was exhausted, i need to do the routine first
  8. sometimes i feel like a handicapped person when i realized that my eye vision is so limited 
  9. i have always losing one of them when i try to fit it, and after sometimes it is either i found it again or i just forget about it
  10. i need to be calm when i fit them over my eyes and stay calm each time i wearing it. otherwise it will hurt me or i will feel uncomfortable all the day.  
  11. i never use the color lenses. it is because i dont want to look weird. 
  12. i was told that it is better to use lenses than specs because the lenses is placed right over the cornea compared to eyeglasses which have a length of gap between them.  but after more than 10 years, i dont see any different in fact my eye power increase slightly by years.
  13. now i'm using a softlens type, 3 pairs at rm45 and each pair can be used for a month. it is much cheaper and more secure rather than the one with 2 years of using period. I have stock of lenses that can last until my last month here and all imported from Malaysia
i think that is all i can remember of by now. i just wonder how i in my 50's trying to fit lenses over my eyes.  a very sophisticated yet a dashing nanny to be!  


Umie said…
kak ayu, saya pun ada stok soft lense tu..tak terpakai2x pun...bila bersiap2x dengan si kecik tu mmg saya kena pantas..takleh le saya nak ngadap cermin memasang lense tu..hehe
Kak ayu sama la ita pun pakai lense dari thn 2 kat UTM gak tp ita dr dulu guna yg sebln sekali punya... Tp setiap kali pregnant guna spec...
yatie chomeyl said…
i pun pernah lense tertinggal dlm mata sbb genyeh2 mata..i ingat lense jatuh rupa2nya terlipat dlm mata sehari suntuk.
masa tgh lunch tiba2 je lens tu terkeluar balik mausk dlm pinggan nasi ehehehe
Idayu said…

sou ne, kena bertenang br bole pakai eh. tp awak nmpk cumel jek pakai spec:).

ank akk yg kecik tuh suka tarik n asyik jek nk pakai spec, tuh la yg buat kita jdk rimas n kena pakai lens gak.



eh, dulu2 pon dh ader yg disposable sebulan sekali eh? he3...x pasan, ingtkan xde. bahaya kan, harga dh ler mhl, sekali hilang naya! tp ms tuh mmg jaga2 betol2 la..

ita pon pakai lens ghupanya??!
Idayu said…
yatie chomeyl,

so mmg bnyk cerita2 lucu psl lens nih kan? mmg kalu dia terkeluo dr kornea tuh, sush ler nk crk.

selalu jek lens hilang kat sinki, time pepagi ms nk pakai. pas tuh terbongkok2 la mencari, tension btol!
Hehe..Sian org pakai lens ni. Even sy xperlu tp kwn2 baik saya seme jenis pakai so sgtla paham Akan problemnya itu
Idayu said…

kan..kesian kat org cacat nih. tq krn memahami anyway!
Idayu said…

tq sbb memahami...rasa mcm org cacat pon ader

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