
my very own, humble, yet a special  project dedicated to my sweetheart. The very tough one, took almost 5 weeks to be completed, and i think the eyes is the most important part to make the subject at least similar to Nurkhaleeda.  And i know mine is far from perfect, but my heart is always blooming each time i'm working on it as if i see my own princess in front me.

jishin/earthquakes updates: Alhamdulillah, kami sekeluarga selamat.  Diharap kawan-kawan lain di Jepun juga di dalam lindunganNya especially Kamalia, Ita, Umie dan Hanis, insyAllah.. 


yatie chomeyl said…
dpt contact Hanis tak? tak dgr khabar dr dia, risau sgt2.
Idayu said…
insyAllah, dgr cerita dia selamat..
thanks kak ayu.. ita selamat.. hanya alert lagi masih ada sikit2 lagi gempa ni
Pandai lukis! Moga semuanya selamat yer!
Ajzie said…
Umie said…
cantik..kak ayu talented la..kalau saya mmg keras jari-jemari..hehe

btw, thanks akak for the doa...mudah-mudahan semua nie segera berakhir..ameen..
I was wondering abt your condition as well. Take a good care of yourslef & your family.
Nur said…
ayu...ko & family camner?hopefully selamat semuanya ayu..aku doakan yg terbaik untuk ko di sana...amin

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