kisah si pencopet profesional

The story took place in Akihabara, last week.  We were about to leave Akihabara station and i was looking at the map to find our stop station and the fare as well.  As this wasn't my first time there, it was easy for me to find our way.   Earlier, I saw a man(Japanese) was talking to other man (foreigner)  as if the Japanese was guiding the foreigner on how to get to the foreigner's place.  Hubby wasn't with me, Ari was fell asleep and the weather outside was super cold, and because of that he just  waiting for us inside the station while i treated my sister on her shopping agenda.

I was then approached by the same Japanese, asking me my destination. He dressed in suit, but his attire was rather shabby plus his stinky mouth but with his very fluent English.
" Three of you, where are you going?" (me, my sister n her husband)
" Kameido station", i replied, was trying to be polite and just let him to guide us.
"Here is Akihabara, the next 2 station  is Kameido and the fare is 150yen, so three person is 450yen", he said while pointing to the map above.
He glanced at my hand, as i was holding exactly enough 150yen.  To our surprised he seized a 1000yen from my sister's hand and quickly paid for the ticket.
He give us the tickets but refused to return the balance while saying this,
"this is for me, i'm so poor", we were so shocked to hear that, never thought that he had a hidden intention and being dishonest to us.    
However my sister insisted to get her money back, and he finally returned the money.  Long story short, i just gave him 20yen as a reward of his "help" and he then disappeared.

I think he might be one of the homelessness, used to be a professional worker before but due to the recession in 1990's has resulted in unemployment, a contributing factor towards potential homelessness in Japan.
homelessness in Tokyo(picture from
p/s: the story somehow reminds me of the parking man in Malaysia, after finish helping the customer to reverse or park the car, "2 ringgit bang!"


Asmara said…
Kak Ayu, bandar besar esp. Tokyo mmg ramai homeless nih. Kerajaan jepun pun xleh nak buat apa sbb mmg dah xde keje. untunglah sape2 yg ada kampung boleh duk kampung. Kalau lalu waktu malam kat area tengah bandar memang akan jumpa la diorang nih bwak kotak sbgi tmpt tido. wpun bagi benefit tp homeless ni tetap ada. huhu..
yatie chomeyl said…
what an experience u have there. nasib baik i tak pernah jumpa lagi kat fukuoka ni, maybe ada jugak cuma maybe i'm just lucky enough never bumped into them
Idayu said…

ms first time pgi tokyo dl, kat kouen mmg terkejut sbb tgk bnyk homeless. pasang khemah, siap sidai baju bagai..

company japan prefer lelaki yg dah kawin utk diambil bekerja rather than bujang sbb diorng rasa lelaki berkeluarga lbh bertanggungjwb n setia. so, sush la lelaki bujang yg dh kehilangan kija nih nk dpt kan kija blk kan...

actually karenah birokrasi pon satu hal yg menyebabkan diorng nih x dpt benefit yg dijanjikan..nih akk baca kat net la.

tp pelik la kan...bndr maju mcm tokyo pon melambak homeless nih
Idayu said…

mmg agak takut jgk. diorng nih pakai kot bagai, tp still selekeh. kira cara mntk sedekah yg sedikit high class lah nih..

kat osaka paling bnyk homeless katanya.
Umie said…
mcm ngeri plak baca pengalaman akak tu..saya blm penah terserempak dgn homeless nie lagi but hubby penah le.. tu pun masa kat ueno koen..mmg bersepah le homeless tuh duk terbaring2 kat bench kat koen tu.. that day masa dlm keta ada nampak those homeless yg 'berumah' kat bawah jambatan..kesian!!!
Idayu said…

most of them hilang kija n x mampu dpt blk kija, tmbh pulak kos hidup kat jepun kan tinggi tuh yg x mampu nk sewa umh even yg kecik pon. selalunya perempuan akan dpt support dr family, tuh yg org lelaki jek yg selalu jdk homeless nih..

rasanya kat mesia x de la serius mcm nih kan..eventho ramai yg miskin
Kamalia said…
hari tu kami jumpa gak homeless ni kat ueno..wktu tu dah dlm kul 8.30 pm, kat tepi2 kedai tu ramaila yg duk menyorong duorg punye brg smbil duk tengok dlm tong sampah..pastu, kat koen pun ade gak..kebetulan hotel kami depan koen tu je, mmg agak trperanjat jugakla..betul kate akak tu, eventho ngara kite ramai je yg miskin, tp, yg homeless xdela seramai ngara maju yg lain kan..
Idayu said…

ooo kat ueno bnyk eh? akk jumpa dululah masa mula2 dtg tokyo, kat kouen area tokyo tower, siap psg khemah n jemur baju lagi tuhh..sungguh mencemarkan pandangan kan.

kat mesia org miskin still ader umah, tp buruk n dhaif la. kalu yg duk bwh jambatan tuh ader jugak, tp kejap jek..lps karam singh walia bagi liputan, berebut2 la YB nk tulun sna sni he3

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