hujan emas di negara orang......

Last Wednesday i brought my sister and my daughters to go shopping in town.  After finished we decided to go somewhere else and while we came out from the shop there was very strong wind blew outside.  We headed to the car, and Dada tried to open the car door when suddenly the wind pushed the door strongly caused it to be open widest to its max.  Unfortunately, there was a car next to mine and it was about to reverse and the door knocked that car accidentally. Oh may God! I was so panicked and rushed to see what had happened.  The knocked had left a mark on the car body and the women came out from the car with her surprised and anger face.  For the whole of my life here, this is the thing that i really try to avoid, which is getting trouble with Japanese.

With the bad weather that became colder and windy, i asked my sister to bring the kids in while I  stayed outside to settle the problem.  I was so scared and nervous that i couldn't thing of something else, except kept on reciting doas, hoping that everything will be okay.  I kept on saying sorry to the woman but she seem not satisfied and intend to bring it further. I tried to scrub the mark on that woman's car and it worked,  as it was only my car paint that stick on the body.  But there was one more mark on the car which was  small and could be vanished by polishing it, due to my BIL opinion.  Her boyfriend finally came out from the car, and he seemed more cool than his girlfriend, had accepted my apology and also blame the wind for that happened  .  He also tried to cool down the women and talked slowly to her.  After twice attempts to contact the owner of the car failed,  they decided to just take my hand phone number and will contact me later for any claim after the owner see his car.

I told everything to hb, cried.  To my surprise, hb said it wasn't my fault at all as it was an accident actually.   If they ask for any claim or anything, we will make a police report and let the insurance cover all the damage.  I felt so relieved and at the same time stupid enough, where i think i am easily lost my deliberation on that panic state...hu3. and now it almost a week and there is no call from that woman and i consider the case close, Alhamdulillah..

On the other hand, 2 days after the incident we went to Tokyo to send my sister home.  As we parked our car outside the hotel, while waiting for the luggage loading there was a van slipped in front of our car and accidentally hit my car bumper.  Yes, it is my car-to-be, just 3 weeks new and am planning to bring it back later and there was an obvious scratches on the front bumper. The van driver refuse to admit it, as there was no mark on his van's body though my BIL did witnessed the big shaking after the hit. It was only a second hand car, and i know he didn't do it on purpose,  but the only thing that i beg to hear is a word sorry.  I claimed him to say at least sorry for several times, but until then not a word sorry i heard, but the denies that he kept on defend.  Long story short, it just finished like that.

Lesson from the story,
1) from now on i won't let Dada to open the car door by herself
2) will be more careful and alert next time
3) reciting doa before start to drive
4) for every thing happen, there must be some good reason behind
5) and top of all that, i feel like want to go home quickly and really feel that we are not belong to  here. hujan emas di negara orang, hujan batu di negara sendiri........


salam kak.. ita pun sama seronok duk msia.. skarang still mood msia lagi.. huhuhu... wah dah beli kereta bawa balik ye.. kereta apa la tu.. hihihi.. insyaAllah kami dapat danchi tu kak.. tapi tak tahu bila pindah sebab berperingkat2
Kamalia said…
salam kak..dah lm xkomen kat ade mood nak komen nih..huhuhu..ngeri saya baca cite akak nih..yela,kami pun sebolehnya nak elak cr masalah ngan nihonjin ni..takuttt sangat..hehehe..dah beli keta nak bwk balik ye??akak balik bulan 4 thn depan ye?bestla ek..dah nak balik ade lg 2 tahun kat sini..*sob..sob*
Asmara said…
Kak ayu, simpati. Itula kan kita mmg selalu nak berhati2 tp kdg benda nak jadi. Budak2 ni selalu nak buat sendiri, macam Haziq ni la suka nak buat semua sendiri. huhu.. mmg kalau boleh xnak buat hal ngan nihonjin. Semoga semua selamat ye kak. :)
wie said…
kejadian ni pun pernah kena kat aku gak....sofea bukak pintu keta tu terkena keta sebelah (org Polish rasenye), kemek la gak sikit...melayang gak la £ lps kejadian tu sofea mmg hati2 la...dia x akan bukak pintu sendiri kalau nak kuar mcm2 mana pun mmg best duduk negara sendiri...x sabar2 rasa nak balik...nak gak tahu...hehe keta apa yg ko beli ayu...upload la gambo....
RuHiL said…
nak balik jugak....! kat sini ruhil pon tak berani sangat drive.. sbb tade lesen.. baru2 ni pon ada member kena tarik keta sbb terkena tahan ngan polis tade lesen.. terus tobat jap nak bwk keta.. takut nasib tak baik je.. tp mmg rasa la mcm2 benda terkongkong.. "asek pikir nak wat pape tgu blk mesia lah.." sama2 la kita doa cpt kita sume settle n boleh balik ngan hati yg gumbira kan.. amiinnn...
Idayu said…
salam. amboi lamanya blk, jeles3.
keta stream buruk jek ita, second car kalu ader rezeki insyA...dah la mmg sedia calar balar, nih bertambah lagi make upnyer.hu3

ooh, dh dpt eh? bila nk pndh? so kira setahun lah nih duk danchi b4 blk for good...bagus2, boleh simpan duit utk beli estima!
Idayu said…

sihat ker? blk mesia mcm nk blk terus jek...lama sungguh! ank2 sihat?

mmg kita sentiasa sedar kita menumpang, jd mmg selalu benda nk jadi. dulu hb akk penah accident gak, kerek jgk la nihonjin tuh. padahal dia yg langgar keta x pe, keta tuh mmg nk pakai buat lanyak kat sni jek..biar diorng yg buat salah, jgn kita.

insyA bln 4 thn dpn kalu x extend, insyA..kalu extend bln 9 ler jwbnyer....2thn x lama, gaman suru!
Idayu said…

tenkiu..tenkiu..suma dh ok, ader sket2 fobia dh bwk pon keta ke sana ke mari he3


ooo ko pon penah kena ker? bila jdk kat sni, perasaan takut tuh mmg lebih la sbb kita tahu kan kita foreigner, pdhal kalu lesen, insurans suma ada xde pe2 pon..biasalah aku nih gabra n drama queen sket:(

kira ko settle luar lah ngan tuan punya keta tuh? mesti sofea fobia dah kan..aku siap sekolahkan dada lagi, pdhal bukan salah dia pon...kesian dia.

keta stream buruk jek wie, itupon kalu ader AP. second car, insyA...malu ler nk upload he3
Idayu said…

kat sni mmg kena ikut peraturan. kami convert international lesen ke lesen jepun. kena amik test kat litar yg sgt2 cerewet n prosedur2 yg remeh. bayo insurans tiap bulan..

tp kalu xde lesen, mmg diorng akn tekan kita. ader budak degree tuh sampai abis kena buat part time sbb nk bayo duit ganti rugi eksiden sbb dia x de lesen.abis duit scholar bagai...

haah, suma benda nk buat kena pikir blk nanti lah buat. skang hidup bersederhana n sgt praktikal. beli apa yg perlu jek, yg murah2 yg x thn sakit belakang sebab dah lama sgt tido atas tilam...rindu kat katil hu3.

korang kat sna umh mewah mcm kat mesia ek?
RuHiL said…
buk dulu pon lesen mesia valid setahun je.. pastu terus convert lesen hongkong.. da dpt lesen hongkong convert plak lesen UK.. ahaha.. sbb malas nak amik test lesen UK yg jugak cerewet tu.. bayar lbh kurang je dlm gbp350.. ruhil tak buatlah.. atleast buk da ada.. sbb kira skang ni nak kemana2.. mmg tunggu die free je la.. klu stakat boleh ag naik "bas no 11" tu.. ruhil heret gak budak2 ni kesana sini.. tak pon naik tram..

uhuhu.. tido atas tilam.. tingat masa baru pindah parit raja.. kitaorg ada 2 tilam single je.. umah kat uk ni syukur jugak perabot lengkap.. cuma kecik sikit la dari umah kita kat mesia tu.. tu yg kitaorg tak beli perabot.. tade tmpat nak letak.. ruang sempit..(ahahaha alasan org tade duit tu..)
Idayu said…
ooo mcm tuh ker..lgpun kat sna bndar n bnyk tram kan, sng sket nk brgerak.

kat sni kpg n keta murahkan, n suma org pun ader keta.tuh yg pnjg jek langkah merewang time ank pgi skool he3

ooo, xde perabot ker? nmpak mcm ada perabot jek dlm gambo. apa2 pon mmg lbh beso la drpd umh jepun.w/pon kecik lama2 dh rasa selesa n senang nk kemas. kang blk sri gding mahu pengsan naik trn tangga, kemas sna sni...tukang sepah pon dh bertambah kan..
RuHiL said…
itu la sini pon keta murah jugak.. insurans je yg mahal..

yg ada tu sume perabot tuan rumah.. da penuh umah.. ehehe... tu yg tak membeli perabot cam org lain tu.. (alasan) klu malaysian lain mmg penuh jugak la kontena ngan perabot nak bawak balik..

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