baking mode...
i'm so in mode of baking...but not a cake. Every time i peep at this blog, Bisous A Toi i feel like wanting to bake a cake, her pictures are all heaven! anyway, i made this few types of bread recently. i used the basic bread dough instead and selected filling or topping are added which vary depends on everyone's liking.
Today is monday and the feeling is still there, just wonder how long will the passion last..
sejuk2 nih, mode nih paling dh nk buat kuih muih lain..
ooh, mood menjaet dh dtg eh? kat sni mls mode pulak yg dtg he3
nih pon first time buat roti..syik lapo jer org dlm umh nih, sekali buat bnyk kasi frozen skali..sng tinggal pnskn jek..
Kak Azi
sy pon malas gak kak, tp buat roti nih sekali jek uli pas tuh tahan berhari3..he3. br first time jek nih..
kak nani,
kinako pan? yg mna tuh ek? x penah dengo, nnti try crk...