funny fareeha


these are among of fareeha's favourite books. she kept read and study the books until now that she can really recognise some of the animals and fruits name. the funny things happened when it comes to this page,

book (4)

me: what's this?
fareeha: mouse...
then she pointed to her mouth and said "onaji...onaji"..

m-o-u-s-e  and  m-o-u-t-h , are totally two different thing, but to her may be the pronunciation sound similar or mama also dont get the exact idea of it!
onaji is 'same' in japanese language.

she also can say the abc until z with the correct rhythm, yes-with-the-rhythm-correct-only but most of the letters still sounded blurred and miserable.  but its fine with me, as long as i can still feel the melody of it.*sigh* . again, when it comes to letter I, she will automatically pointed out her finger to her eye, to show how good she is  at tracing things with the same sound.

book (3)

last weekend, we went to a park nearby to have some picnic when suddenly she shouted " rainbow!...rainbow!". we turned to look at the 'rainbow' when finally everybody get laughed together. this was her 'rainbow' looked like..

pintu gerbang yg mcm belon tp ini cuma gambar hiasan,

 in her perception, rainbow is portrayed to be something hemisphere in shape, it's either me failed to describe rainbow especially the part of its beautiful multi colours or she is really advance at processing the data obtained! fareeha oh fareeha!!

fareeha and khaleeda at the flower festival 


Ajzie said…
comel nya adik ...
Kamalia said…
clever girl la fareeha ni...bagus2..skang ni kak die ckp bhs ape kat umah??nihongo, eigo or malay go??ke die campur sume skali?hihihi..twin sy kalu nak ajar diorg,kn cr yg ade animals..kot x,xnak tgok pun..:p
ita said…
kawaii fareeha.. dari jumpa hari tu sampai sekarang admire sangat dengan keletahnya.. bijak..masih ingat lagi mulut dia yang bising dan bijak tu.. fateh dame... hihihihi
misuarina said…
bijak.. bijak! sbnrnye kita yg slalu underestimate budak2 punye capability kan? ari 'byk mulut' ke?
Idayu said…
aunty azie,

ktorg kat umah bhs melayu dia ckp campur2 ler nihonggo+malaygo, eigo sikit2. kawaii jek bunyi kalu dia mengomel dlm nihonggo.
ooo bdk laki2 mmg kena yg ganas2 sket ek?

har3x..dame! dame! sorry la fateh, ank dara kecik nih garang sikit.
skang dia panggil mama dia, "mama san"!mesti fathnin pon dah pera-pera skang nih kan?

tuh la, ntah sapa ajo dia ntah, tetiba jek..
becok n garang. kalu marah n mengomel tuh guna bhs jepon x hengat. aku pong kengkadang dok pahang setarang!
lady zaini said…
bijakk, baru berapa tahun ker kan dia :)

p/s: saper lagi banyak ngomel, dia ker kakak?
Idayu said…
dh nk masuk 2 thn dah pun bln 8 nih:)

dua-dua bnyk ckp. membebel mcm makcik2 jpon! penin..penin..
Anonymous said…
bijaknya fareeha....
first ime baca blog ayu ni... best.... pandai melukis antik....
tak sangka sungguh... teruskan minat tuh....
semoga fareeha ngn khaleeda jd anak yg bjk n solehah...
Idayu said…
salam..lama x dgr brita. ank2 pon dh beso n handsome eh? aku try tinggal comment kat blog ko tp x bole, restrict to team member only, apsal tuh?
hehe anyway selamat berjupa kembali!
Anonymous said…
Memang baru ni aku setting just utk member jer..... sajer gatal tgn.... nanti aku ubah balik.... takper la ko leh sign in jadi member kan... hehehehhe
kat list blog ko tuh ada tak yg aku kenal selain wie.... leh aku tak blog diaorg kat blog aku lak.... suka dpt jumpa smula....
anak ko comel2 gak... cam muka ko sket yer

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