selamat hari ibu!

Selamat Hari Ibu diucapkan kepada emak, Puan Noryati Bt Hj Ridwan. Terima kasih atas segalanya, hanya Tuhan yang dapat membalasnya. Tidak dilupakan kepada ibu mertua,Pn Kamariah bt Besar dan semua mereka yang bergelar ibu.

mak dan ayah
card from dada
card from ari

A Mother's Love

There are times only when a Mother's love
Can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappointments
And calm all our fears.

There are times when only a Mother's Love
Can share the joy we feel
When something we've dreamed about
Quite suddenly is real.

There are times when only a Mother's faith
Can help on life's way
And inspire in us the confidence
We need from day to day.

For a Mother's heart and a Mother's faith
And a Mother's steadfast love
Were fashioned by the Angels
And sent from God above...


salam kak.. bestkan dapat kad dari anak2.. cantik kad anak2 akak buat.. ita dapat gak.. hihihi selamat hari ibu.. moga kita jadi ibu yang cemerlang untuk mendidik anak2 ke arah dunia akhirat..
misuarina said…
selamat hari ibu, mama ayu! comel kad anak2 ko buat.. haziq pon ada gak buat kt school tp rupe cam xsiap jek.. huhuuuu
Kamalia said…
salam kak..slamat hari ibu..bestnye dpt xde pung yg nak bg..amni br nk msuk skola ari senin ni..jd xdela kad dr anak2...jeles2 ngn akak..cntik kad diorg buat ye..:))
Idayu said…
tq suma..happy mother's day to all of you too..
ghupa x penting, yg pnting niat dia tuh nk bg kat emak!

dun worry, thn dpn musti dpt card, beso lagi tuhhhh...
Ajzie said…
happy mother's day
Idayu said…
kak azie,
tq...same to you!

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