khalifah and language

i go to the post-nihonggo class basically to polish my communication skills or, to get used with the japanese daily conversation. Though i have completed the intensive class and managed to get the certificate, i have to say that my communication skill is still bad if not worse, even Khaleeda can speak and understand nihonggo better than me. as expected(by me), daily conversation or bahasa pasar by Japanese has some huge different with the one that we learnt in formal class.
during the class, we have some kind of discussion on particular topics and everyone will need to participate. this one volunteer, an old lady who seems had travel overseas a lots, has an ability to speak and understand English, had questioned me about Malaysia. One of them was, "is it true that it is dangerous to walk alone in Malaysia?" and it was sad when i had to say 'yes' to her. yes if you're women or kid walking alone especially at night in a quiet place. She supported her prejudice feeling with her friend's story who had just visited Malaysia recently. in my condition, being asked spontaneously and with the limited nihonggo i have, i really can't find any way to back up my country, plus the reality that happened in Malaysia in the past few years.
but to the question like, " Why does Islam is very strict?", "why are you wearing scaft?","the reason of fasting", i then make up my mind to answer those questions in my broken English because i worried i failed to convey. May be the old lady, had understand my explanation or if not all she might get some basic idea of what i told her. But what about other Japanese volunteers that sat together with us, who don't understand any English?
moral of the story, we as a khalifah need to be prepare and be ready in any condition, in any way of being asked about Islam. and it shows how important the language is.....
Takyah pikir sgt pasal bahasa baku & pasar tu.Kita guna je bahasa baku yg kita belaja.
Luckily, Nagaoka ni dialect pon tak kuat, itu dah cukup baik...
Tapi...volunteer tu pon satu jgk...topik berat sgt la.Nanti suggest kat dia buat topik senang sket..cerita breakfast ke, spring ke,GW ke...
*tp bila civic center ajak jadi volunteer tak mau pegi la pulak...hihihi*
nk ckp may be ok sket, mslhnya x phm apa dia tanya he3x..
actually, topicnya ringan2 jer..yg sush2 tuh saje dia tnya time rehat or borak2 kosong..curious sgt nk tahu kot..
tahu tak pe!:P
selalunya saya got over soalan2 pelik nih dengan buat muka comel dan kunun2 tak faham diorang cakap apa..heheh. kalau kawan2 saya cuma cakap "isramukyo ni yotte..kena apa2..." terus tukar topik
bahaya takut saya kasi salah impression :P especially diorang nih atheist n sort of anggap diorang Tuhan dan Tuhan tak perlu (seriously, saya dah terkena)
but still.. language IS important. At least you know if u're doing right..kan?
betul tuh. alangkah indahnya kalu kita dpt convey mesej tuh sejelas-jelasnya bg diorng paham. at least kita dh jlnkn tnggungjwb sebagai khalifah. nih rs mcm rugi jer sbb x bole nk explain dgn mendalam.adihh