love needs to be expressed?

i used NOT to agree with the term before.  Rasa rimas pulak kalu hari-hari kita duk dengar ulang tayang benda yang sama, atau pun meluahkan benda yang sama.  Pada saya hanya 2 orang yang bercinta dan berkasih sayang itu sahaja yang perlu tahu hubungan hati  mereka.  Dari bahasa badan dan isyarat mata kita tahu perasaan satu sama lain, orang lain peduli apa kan.  Kata-kata keramat itu bagaikan tiada maknanya jika diucap setiap hari, setiap masa.  For me, love can best be expressed through eyes and behavior.

Tapi en abang saya bukan begitu orangnya.  So, saya dipupuk dan diajar to express love by words since start.  So after a long years of marriage (9 years is a long enough to learn how to express love), i've accustomed to the habits. But in these recent years, when he become so busy with studies, i've to admit that i missed those things that i used to heard before.  it is not that he neglected me at all but being a full time housewife, away from family, staying alone at home almost a day, juggling with the chores and kids i really feel that the words is the best spirit to keep me going.

"Thanks sbb jaga anak, i love u!"
"thanks for everything, love u"
"buat apa hari nih? anak2 ok?, thanks"
here is just a few simple messages, but the impact is so big to me.

Yes we do need words because nobody is a mind reader.  So the best way is to say it rather than to hide it. Selama menjadi ibu, tidak pernah sekali pun saya merasa telah melakukan yang terbaik untuk anak-anak.  Bila baca jek cerita-cerita orang lain tentang cara-cara mereka mendidik dan melayan anak terasa betapa teruknya diri sendiri.   But, i have always want to improve myself to be a better mom and to that reason the only thing that i never failed to do is by saying that i love them everyday.  Everyday without fail and i will show them how much my love by kissing, hugging them over and over again even in public.  Perhaps this way will compensate all my weaknesses towards them.

May be some of us, at our age now will feel odd or strange to say "i love you mak", "terima kasih mak" ,"selamat hari ibu", terima kasih ayah""sayang ayah" to our parents.  i do feel the same before, may be because we have always meet, our customs or the age has increased.  We on the other hand prefer to give card or present as a substitute rather than saying the words. Some cases, we delegate our kids to say the words on behalf us.  Believe me, you better say it now or you will be regreted later. Selagi ader umur dan peluang, ucapkan lah kerana apabila mereka tiada lagi nanti pasti kita akan merasa menyesal tak sudah. My feeling towards this is become stronger when i'm here because i'm thinking of not meeting them so i will miss the chances to express my love.  Sentimental feeling utk orang yang duk oversea.

Kesimpulannya, love is best describes through actions BUT love also needs to be heard.  Love by action makes it proven, love by word makes it exciting.  So, words are needed to express love along with actions of caring, closeness and intimacy.

"Jika seseorang mencintai saudaranya kerana Allah, maka khabarkanlah bahawa ia mencintainya" (hadith riwayat Abu Dawud dan At-Tirmidzi)

Last but not least i wanna share this cute video with you, taken from friend's facebook, good husband.


bagusnya... tapi selalu jumpa lelaki jarang tunjuk kasih sayang cara lisan... tapi bagi ita ia satu terapi yang baik dan penyuntik semangat bila suami kata I love U
Idayu said…
betol tuh...kdg2 rs secure pon ader gak:)
Hanis MY said…
hanis mmg nak hubby selalu ckp musy wushy words ni tapi adehh payah bebeno hanis je gedik duk cakap hari2 haha... yes words are important to me esp on important dates...tak nak cakap hari2 pun ckp la masa annive ke bday ke hehe ngengada betui.haish...
yatie chomeyl said…
video itu sgt best dan cute. I like ;)
Idayu said…
sou ne,...xpelah asal kan dia syg awak cukuplah...


yatie chomeyl,
yes to all! :)

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