

The second part of ucu's is a trip to Tokyo or Disneyland to be exact.  But unfortunately, the weather was bad and Tokyo town was flooded by snow from very early Friday morning until the next day continuously. I did checked the forecast the day before and even they stated it clearly rain, i just pray for contrarily and hope for some miracle to happened.  We arrived at Disneyland before 7, had our breakfast inside car and continued sleep until 9am.  After wake up, the snow still falling heavily and the temperature was damn cold.  We headed to the main entrance and were about to queue until both of us decided to call off the Disneyland trip and switch to other places as planned. We really know that we couldn't stand staying outside for a long hours with that cold, and for sure we won't get to play all the rides and it was not worth it to pay such thousand yen for that.  So we said good bye to Disneyland and wish to be here in spring while ucu was a little bit frustrated.  So, we just stop by there to have a nap and it cost 2000 yen hu3( for parking fee).

We went to the hotel to load the things, and took the train to Asakusa.  After did some window shopping and sight seeing activities we went to Odaiba.

The second day, we went to Shinjuku and Akihabara as Ucu want to shop for some souvenirs.

As for the last day, we visited Yokohama city on the way to Haneda Airport.

Ucu is no longer here and our life is now back to routine....


Asmara said…
Seronok sangat bila family ada dtg. tapi bila dah balik seminggu gak terkenang2 tu kan! hehe..
mesti ucu diorang enjoy jln kat sini.:)
yatie chomeyl said…
kalau u all masuk kat disneyland masa snowing tu pon me3sti xleh main sgt kan. dah la sejuk gile pastu mesti ada rides yang bahaya kalau snowy jd licin, rugi je byr mahal2 nanti kan
Idayu said…
haah ler, skang nih kena jdk tukang msk blk hu3

yatie chomeyl,
mmg sbb itupon..lgpon suma outdoorkan, x bnyk indoor. kalu kat lotte world still ok, sbb indoor dia bole thn beso gak..x dok rezki, may be nxt time
Umie said…
Salam kak ayu,

next time kalau turun tokyo, meh la singgah saitama..;-)
Idayu said…

slm...bole2, selalu jek trn situ:).

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