Ongaku Happyoukai 2011

Ongaku Happyoukai or Musical Concert is an annual event of the school and was held on February 20th, in Lyric Hall Nagaoka City.  This was the last performance by Dada and her class(Bara San), the most senior class as they are going to primary school by next April.  Beside sing and dance, this time Dada had a chance to play vibraphone and keyboard.

Dada plays vibraphone

I was very proud and happy each time i watched them on stage, and i'm pretty sure every parent would feel the same.  They really performed well as they were doing it wholeheartedly.

As previous year, the parent of Bara Class will be participate in one special performance as a tribute to the school for the good collaboration all these years.  We were singing two songs,  Namidakun Sayounara and Believe.  For the second song, though the tittle sounds English, it only has four english words in it. We did practicing it several times before the day, but some of parent just join the choir instantly on the day, anyhow we enjoyed it very much.  Actually this is one of things that i love to do since my schools day.  

If we are back in Malaysia oneday, this is the most sweetest thing to remember.  The sincerity, passion, kindness and all the hard work of teachers that make me and my daughters feel so accepted and comfortable.  Been here, is not all about bad indeed! 


yatie chomeyl said…
memang bangga sgt2 kan bila tgk anak2 buat persembahan kat publis. kagum dgn sensei kat nihon ni yg komited & sabar masa melatih budak2 tu
Asmara said…
K ayu, samalah semalam gak happyou Batrisya. Papanya yg menyanyi, hehe. Sugoi akk hafal lirik. :D Kita tak sempat lagi nak buat entry. hihi..
Kamalia said…
kak,mmg betulkan kak..setiap kali sy tengok ank2 ni mesti rs sebak bangga sangat sbb diorg buat bersungguh2kan..1st time Amni performed dulu pun,sy siap menangis lagi..hehehe..wah,dasyatla akak..bole nyanyi2 lagi tuh..
p/s:akak,nak tyela,ape syarat2 yg mmbolehkan akak anta ank ke hoikuen?kat sini rs mcm strict je die punye,lain prefecture, lain la,kalu akak xkisah,akak bg no phone bole?nnt bole sy call akak..
Idayu said…
yatie chomeyl,

haah, mmg kan.

cikgu2 kat mesia rasa mcm dh bagus dah, tp bila tgk cikgu kat sni diorng nmpk lg komited n ikhlas. hopefully cikgu2 kat mesia pon nnti mcm tuh jugak ler..hu3
Idayu said…

oooh En Kerry yg nyanyi ek? mama jaga haqem kan:)

x hafal sepenuhnya, sikit2 jek lgpon lagu tuh dah familiar sgt. akk dtg renshuu 3x jugaklah before the event. nnti upload la video, nk tgk cha-cha nyer performance gak!


kan?? sebak+bangga+gumbira bercampur baur, sentimental lebih jek emak3 nih he3..
akk dtg renshuu la kam, lgpun lagu tuh dh familiar plus dada ajo+marah2 mama dia kat umah...hahahaha..

kat sni, mak kena kija or belajo br bole anto ank bwh 4 thn ke hoikuen. dulu akk amik kelas nihonggo, skang part time english teacher...yg penting kena ader employee approval la.

bole3, sila la tepon kalu ader nk tanya apa2 090 6538 8606
Umie said…
saya suka cara nihonjin nie..bile anak2 ada event pape,diorang akan libatkan parents sekali kan..Lagi 1, nihonjin nie mmg supportive towards anak2 punye interest (be it sports,cultures..etc)..bagus kan??
Idayu said…

btol tuh, mcm kat hoikuen ank2 akk nih asyik ler kena dtg sekolah mak bpk nyer, sikit2 ader xtbt...mmg banyak kali la kena dtg..

bagus mmg bagus sbb ank2 rasa dihargai n disayangikan..
sugoi kak ayu... seronok tengok .. pandai dada main alat muzik.. ganbatte dada chan next year masuk ichinense
Idayu said…

tq...tuh la ank org lain dh lama start darjah satu, kita kat sni br nk mula next month, mak nyer yg berdebar2...

mmg betul kata Ita, bdk2 kat mesia suma dh pandai belaka, membaca, menulis, mengira..
mmg satu cabaran utk kita, inilah pengorbanannya yg sebenar...

moga usaha kita akan dipermudahkan dan diberkatiNya...

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