You know what is it? it is a countdown table, made by dada purposely to indicate how many day remain until her aunt is here. This Sunday my sister will be flying in from Malaysia and will be staying with us for 2weeks. Every morning she wakes up, "mama, lagi 6 hari kan ucu nak datang? "......the next morning, "mama, lagi 5 hari kan ucu nak datang?".......and it continues, "mama, lagi 4 hari kan ucu nak datang?"still continue until today..... and the first thing she do right after she wakes is to mark off the table and the paper by now has become like kertas bungkus nasi lemak. I know how excited she is, so do I. I have a few plans for them and mainly the activities has something to do with snow as that is the main reason why they come here. On the other hand, i'm thinking of a cooking day off as my brother in law is a good cook, but on top of that i'm tired of cooking and am very very tired to eat my own cooking! p/s: on the right top ...