beautiful blogger award

1. Thank and link the person that give the award.

Thanks Mis for the award :)

2. Pass this award to 15 other bloggers that you've recently discovered and think are fantastic:

Z, Qim, Ita, As, Nur and Rina

3. Contact them all to tell that they've won the award.

4. State 7 things about yourself:

selalu bersemangat
family women
agak peramah and suka tersenyum(like my mother)
agak obses ngan kebersihan/kekemasan
suka jln2 mkn angin
suka benda2 berseni

tu jaaaa.. :)

p/s: mis, aku copy jer ha3x.....


lady zaini said…
wahh~ ada award ..haha, berdebar ingatkan tag. homework dulu2 pun tak terbayar..pemalas betul :P

tq ayu :)
Idayu said…
award jer...douzo:)...homework tuh kira burn pon tak pe, buknnyer wajib pongg..he3x
mis said…
oiit apa nih main copy2 cat! eh, ko peramah ke? ye kerrrrr???
Idayu said…
kita kn bespren, bnyk mnda yg yg sma jer aku copy cat, ha3x...peramah la, drpd ko!
mama syg said…
k.ayu........... rina tu ryna kan?errrkkk takut perasan je..ahakss
Idayu said…
mama syg..
yea...awak la tue.silakan..

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