it starts and blooms....

minat dengan lukisan memang dah lama, cuma dulu serba kekurangan sama ada daripada segi kewangan, pengetahuan, masa dan peluang untuk belajar dan mengasah bakat terpendam yang sedikit ini. Cari punya cari akhirnya berjumpa juga dengan satu-satunya hobi yang disukai, at least at this moment, terus jer signed up for kelas drawing. so, this is my first masterpiece, from the formal drawing class.
first day datang, sensei terus bukak tingkap and asked me to draw the scenery that view through the window.

day 1:
the real scenery


day 2:

day 3:

day 4(final day):


Painting Description:
1) type/technique: water colors (Holbien Artists')
2) time taken: 8 hours

My biggest adventures in finishing this drawing is the coldness, i have to sit by the window opened during all the painting process which the temperature is between -3 to 7 degree Celsius.
so guys, how is my painting?


mis said…
waaah! kagumnye aku ngan ko ayu! sgt cantik ok lukisan tu.. cam profesional artist jek :) xtau pon ko ada bakat terpendam.. bleh lukis potrait x? kalo bleh nk oder la
kak ayu.. seronok nya macam2 aktiviti leh buat.. bagus la.. kagum.. anyway cantik lukisan tu.. tak sangka akak ada bakat melukis.. ganbatte kudasai ne..
Idayu said…
tq soo much, besa2 jer lukisan tuh...kalu lukis character cartoon bole ler, nk lukis potrait takut muka kucing jd anjing hu3x..tak pandai ler, sowi.

tq.tuh la..pas anto ank2 pgi skool,bole ler buat apa yg kita suka. takpe, fathnin pon dh nk pgi skool kn, may be ita akn ada lbh ms utk diri sndri.ita pon ghajin msk n try resepi br.ok la tuh kn?:)
lady zaini said…
cantik..nanti kita wat kelab melukis yer :)
tapi tak pandai kaler...just sketching ja, bab kaler tuh tolong ajarkan :D
Qimy said…
perghh cayala ko! x sangka bebakat seni upanya..hik3..

tahniah3 teruskan usaha anda..pasni dah pass leh aku ode lukisan satu nak gantung kat umah aku bleh? :)
Idayu said…
tq.bole2...kelab melukis isteri2 ek?:)..bole ajo, mmg sush sket bab combination color tuh..kalu kita tgk pic sebeno mcm kaler coklat,hitam n kelabu jer. tp sensei guna suma 12 jenis kaler utk satu2 lukisan.kagum..kagum..
p/s:awak bole ajo sy sketch eh?

tq, bakat terendam la weiii hu3x.
eh ader ker org nk order?aku ingt kalu dh bnyk collection, nk gntung umh sndri jer...bior pening kapla pyan ha3x..
nnti2 la, kalu dh xpert.
MyBotanG said…
really nice.. job well done!! I'm really happy and proud that you put an effort to find something that is YOU and not just followed and trend around you.. can't wait for your next masterpiece..

btw - what is your pen name signed at the bottom of the pic??
Idayu said…
my botang ,
thank you..kak sue slalu encourage sy buat bnda2 yg berfaedah..he3x
wait for my next mp...

my pen name,r-i-b-a-h is an acronym for Ruhiana Idayu Binti Abd Hamid...
Colton A said…
Appreciate your bllog post

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