when she is not the best..

By her school sport day, she's been busy attending the training almost everyday during school time. Her skin became darker and she get tired easily every time she reached home. So came her mother saying this,
 "kakak lari kuat-kuat yea, nanti mama n papa datang tgk kakak".
But with an expression of hopeless she replied this,
"kakak selalu lari last sekali la mama".
Mother was so sad to hear that, but like every mom in the world who just want her kid to be happy, she tried to comfort or at least to uplifting her spirit by saying this,
 " Takpe, ini cuma sukan jek bukan penting sangat pun. kakak lari lah suka-suka".

That night mother told father about this and this was what father's respond,
"Alah, kalau menang bukan dapat hadiah pon kan?"
" dapatlah papa!"
"Oh kalau macam tuh, kalau Dada kalah papa bagi hadiah!!!"

Actually it was a part of conversation, and to be truth i was sad to look at her face when she told that she was the last person in the running.  Anyway, it just a part of life and she need to go through as all of them would experienced and matured her more.  I on the other hand like the joke made by hubby because it really cool.  I think it is the time that i have to accept who my kid really is, not only the strength but the weakness as well, open heartedly.

 Every child is different and unique in their own special way.  Every child has at least seven ways of being smart or seven intelligent;language, spatial, logic/math, body movement, musical, social/interpersonal  and self/intrapersonal.  Certain child may be stronger in some ways than in others and this is what every parent should taking note and helps the child to expand the talent wisely.

It is not weird anymore when your child is dreaming to be an artist or musician nowadays.  Every profession is having a good prospect in fact being a musician can make much money not like Kasim Selamat in past time anymore.  But it is up to the parent actually to let their child to choose their own way based on their own special talent and ability without them being leave alone.  

The sport day went smooth, dada got the last place in her running but it is within her category, not that bad and she did all her very best.  Other than running, there was many group event and she had enjoyed the games so much and it was perceived on her shining face.


yatie chomeyl said…
do did dada get the present from his father? hehe
Asmara said…
haah kan. dia ok je. yg penting enjoy! hehe..
RuHiL said…
dada sama je la ngan daniell.. klu bab lari2 ngan kwn2 selalu die tertinggal.. tapi klu lawan lari dalam game wii ngan ummy dia menang la pulak.. hihihihi..
salam kak, pe kabar?
budak2 kan kak, mmg sedih kalau kalah. monyok je muka. saya boleh bayang tu :))
Lupa nak tya, k.ayu balik bila kak. Rumah akk bg sewa kat org ke? Adik tgh duk cr rumah area situ, dia kena lapor diri 1/2 bulan dpn.
kak ayu.. dapat bayangkan muka dada... takpe la fathnin dulu lari dapat 2nd last pun sedih gak.. tapi kanak2kan kadang semangat kentak taknak mengaku kalah

kak nanti saya nak tanya akak mcam mana akak tulis surat untuk cuti tu.. bebila saya call akak yek... rasanya memang dengan email je kot
Idayu said…
sbb umh sukan dia dh menang n pemenang2 lain pon mmg x dpt hadiah so xde lah hadiah jugak utk dia. mmg ada la hadiah papanya belikan, tp buknlah purposely sbb kalah lari tuh..


tuh la, yg penting dia enjoy zmn knk2 nih sepuasnya...selalu ckp ngan dia toksah pening2, belasah jek! hahaha
Idayu said…
sou ne...mmg bdk2 ada kelebihan yg tersendiri kan, kalu bukan kat sukan may be kat tmpt lain kan.
bdk2 laki mmg terror+suka main games kot, dada n ari memula jek suka pas tuh dh x main dah..


slm..sihat, thanks..
monyok mmg monyok, tuh yg buat mak nya pon sedeyyy:(

akk blk insYa bln 3 thn dpn. umh kami mmg ada penyewa pon.adik piah dpt kija kat uthm jgk ker? area situ mcm bnyk umah sewa jek. dia family ker bujang?
Idayu said…
dia kalah dlm kategori dia, means dia bukanlah yg paling corot. bdk2 lain yg x kuat lari drp dia pon ada, yg montel2 suma tuh dlm kategori lain. diorng satukan ikut kategori bdk...kira ok lah tuh kan...mama dia pon dulu bukn kuat lari sangat hu3

bole3..call jek.aku pon mntk softcopy n tanya ngan ruhil jek he3.so far cuti akk dh diluluskan for another 6 months..
Oo.. Tahun depan ye balik. Adik saya bujang lg. Jd tutor kat faculty computer kut. Xpela kalau akk ckp byk rumah sewa, pandaila dia cari tu nnt :)
MyBotanG said…
I understand how she must be feeling at that moment.. I suppose for many of us Malaysian, we raise (consciously or not consciously) competitive children, for them to try their best and be the best.. our usual comment when our kids bring back a test paper or etc is.. what did your friend si A or B got for their tests.. etc.

One one hand the possible harm in this type of thinking is accepting reality that they cannot be the best at everything, and that they can only try and give their best at everything they do and be contented with the outcome, or try again next time and not to give up..

The Japanese style of thinking (which can be observed during their sports day) is

1. participation and completing a task.. tak kira la montel ker, special need ker, semua participate and lagi tertinggal budak tu, lagi kuat spectators sorak encouraging the kid to finish the course..

2.and not expecting a reward - no trophy, no gift, no award, nothing for getting a first place.. just the satisfaction that you have contributed to the total group mark..

hope Dada had a good time.. Sofea nyer undokai pun baru habis minggu lepas.. itam legam and berkilat dah Sofea..
Idayu said…
kak sue,
btol3..setuju sgt.
Dada enjoy jek sbb bnyk event lain kan yg dia involved, sy pon terkejut tgk dia btol2 happy..

bukan setakat itam, legam, berkilat lagi kan?!

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