the value of rm1
when i went back to Malaysia recently, i was shocked of the goods price that was rising rapidly. To buy a trolley full of groceries in Tesco i had to pay rm200++, where once i only need to pay around rm100 for the same quantity of goods before . my hand was like shaking when i paid for the stuff.
Actually, we as consumer do play a role which led to the rises in prices. As we know, rm1 is made up of 100 cent and it also can be mixed up with 5cent, 10cent and 50cent coin to makes RM1 or seringgit. Bank Negara Malaysia has stopped produce 1 sen coin as the cost of producing it is high which is worth 20 cent per piece. So the smallest coin we have now is 5 cent, which means we already loss 4 cent here. But unfortunately, we Malaysian for what reason are prefer to use 10cent coin instead of 5cent coin in many transactions made. So, here we already loss another 9 cent. Before this 1cent coin is widely use in paying bills like electricity or water and may be in Mc Donalds while we need to pay for the meals that worth rm8.99 or rm4.99 or may be we just donate the 1 cent coin to the unfortunate ones like the one also in Mc Donalds. But usually to make the transaction easier may be, all the amount are rounded to the nearest ten.
so the value of rm1 is now become smaller as we cannot use every single cent in it and because the culture using 1 cent coin were no longer applied. if 25 years ago, with value of 30cent a primary school student may get to buy a plate of nasi lemak and a cup of orange juice, nowadays the prices has become rm3.
If there any rising in sugar prices, mamak will easily raise the price of teh tarik at 10cent, not 5cent. and may be if the 1cent coin is still worth the mamak will thinking to choose 1 cent or 2 cent rather than to choose 10cent.
so, let pray somebody or BNM would think and do something about this. if 1 pound Britain is still worth in value, our RM1 is no value at all!
for further reading, please click here.
Actually, we as consumer do play a role which led to the rises in prices. As we know, rm1 is made up of 100 cent and it also can be mixed up with 5cent, 10cent and 50cent coin to makes RM1 or seringgit. Bank Negara Malaysia has stopped produce 1 sen coin as the cost of producing it is high which is worth 20 cent per piece. So the smallest coin we have now is 5 cent, which means we already loss 4 cent here. But unfortunately, we Malaysian for what reason are prefer to use 10cent coin instead of 5cent coin in many transactions made. So, here we already loss another 9 cent. Before this 1cent coin is widely use in paying bills like electricity or water and may be in Mc Donalds while we need to pay for the meals that worth rm8.99 or rm4.99 or may be we just donate the 1 cent coin to the unfortunate ones like the one also in Mc Donalds. But usually to make the transaction easier may be, all the amount are rounded to the nearest ten.
so the value of rm1 is now become smaller as we cannot use every single cent in it and because the culture using 1 cent coin were no longer applied. if 25 years ago, with value of 30cent a primary school student may get to buy a plate of nasi lemak and a cup of orange juice, nowadays the prices has become rm3.
If there any rising in sugar prices, mamak will easily raise the price of teh tarik at 10cent, not 5cent. and may be if the 1cent coin is still worth the mamak will thinking to choose 1 cent or 2 cent rather than to choose 10cent.
so, let pray somebody or BNM would think and do something about this. if 1 pound Britain is still worth in value, our RM1 is no value at all!
for further reading, please click here.
It was OBVIOUS that the value of RM1 or even RM10 does not mean anything in Malaysia right now
Kak ahad haritu saya jumpa farizah dari nagaoka waktu saya ada taikai badminton kat tokyo... Dia katadia kenal akak..
yes, sy dh baca entry tuh n setuju...masalahnya, harga brg suma naik tp gaji kita mcm tuh jugak...hu3.
blk arituh kami beli bj ank2 kat tesco jek...he3 setakat nak pakai 2,3 minggu bole ler kan.
mmg kenal pon fariza, dia dr degree kat sni. tp lps bersalin sampai la nih blom jupa2 dia lagi....maklumlah cik abe kat tokyo kan, sik blk tokyo manjang..
wah terror ita main badminton ek, dgr cerita dpt hadiah??
tuh la kalu convert yen to rm, yen mmg mahal, tp kalu dibuat perbandingan secara relatif taraf idup kat sni xde la tinggi sgt. dgn gaji n nilai duit, org kija biasa2 pon masih boleh idup selesa.
kita kat mesia gaji 2k,3k pon, separuh abis buat bayo umah, minyak keta. blom brg2 dapor, duit sekolag ank, keta rosak lagi. gaji 4k pon bukan lg orng kaya di mesia skang nih kan..sapalah yg nk dengo rintihan golongan marhain mcm kita nih?
p/s: btol2 rindu sgt kat umh kita kan. umh ruhil kosong kan? umh akk sib baik ader ank dara tulun jaga nnti lps lapor diri br tahu kita dpt posting mna kn?
tuh la duk sni brlah merasa bole simpan duit sket n berangan pakai keta beso..blk kang jenuh la nk isi mnyk keta n bayo tax bagai he3..
singgit 3 biji, maksudnya sebiji 33 sen ++. knapa eh penjual tuh x nak jual 30sen sebiji or kita yg mmg suka2 hati nk sedekahkan diorng 10sen tuh?? itulah sikap kita sebenonya...10sen tuh x dipandang langsung...
kat sni ank kita pakai mommy poko lagi, kat mesia ank org2 kaya jek yg pakai brand tuh n jenis2 pants nih he3.pas tuh perasan x diapers kat sni lbh kualiti, n still boleh guna pelekat tuh banyak kali?
kat sni beli keta mcm beli ikan kan? iskk..isk..isk..