Showing posts from May, 2011
bila Fareeha mengaji.....
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selalunya bila kakak dia mengaji, dia akan sibuk mengusung iqra'nya ke hulu ke hilir. "adik nak ngaji jugak! adik nak ngaji jugak!" After sometimes and without proper class she is now manage to correctly read all the letter without assistance , but that is happened only for the first page of iqra' 1. Usually when we proceed to the next page, she will start to look around, unable to sit still and not giving her full attention anymore. dia akan baca huruf mana yang dia suka, tak ikut baris n susunan lagi dah.. mama: A - TA - BA ari: aa-tok bak! *laughing* ( atok bak ialah panggilan untuk atok belah ganu ) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ mama: yang nih huruf TA la adik, sebab ada 2 titik kat atas ari: ooh, yang nih TA ker mama, sebab ada 2 tetek? *ooppsss!!* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ mama: TA - BA - BA ari: g ! *rolling on the floor* (dah macam cerita pendekar bujang lapok go to...
love needs to be expressed?
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i used NOT to agree with the term before. Rasa rimas pulak kalu hari-hari kita duk dengar ulang tayang benda yang sama, atau pun meluahkan benda yang sama. Pada saya hanya 2 orang yang bercinta dan berkasih sayang itu sahaja yang perlu tahu hubungan hati mereka. Dari bahasa badan dan isyarat mata kita tahu perasaan satu sama lain, orang lain peduli apa kan. Kata-kata keramat itu bagaikan tiada maknanya jika diucap setiap hari, setiap masa. For me, love can best be expressed through eyes and behavior. Tapi en abang saya bukan begitu orangnya. So, saya dipupuk dan diajar to express love by words since start. So after a long years of marriage (9 years is a long enough to learn how to express love), i've accustomed to the habits. But in these recent years, when he become so busy with studies, i've to admit that i missed those things that i used to heard before. it is not that he neglected me at all but being a full time house...
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saya sebenarnya sangat suka dengan dishware, tableware, kitchenware atau pon kata lainnya pinggan mangkuk. Suka sangat-sangat sampaikan kalu pergi ke supermarket, kitchen and utensil section la yang saya duk merayau lama, walaupon x beli. kadang-kadang tak beli baju, kasut or handbag baru tak pe, yang penting nak beli pinggan. Dulu masa kecik2, my mother used to hold a tupperware party kat rumah, kalau pon bukan kat rumah sendiri party tuh akan dibuat di rumah jiran2 lain yang jugak kawan-kawan mak secara bergilir-gilir. So, memang sejak kecik saya dah didedahkan dengan minat yang sebegini and may be because of that i followed her footsteps until i grown. Not only me my only sister and even my sister in law too get involved in this habits. Lebih teruk lagi, mak pernah guna tupperware dia untuk bagi ayam makan, selamba tak selamba nyer orang tua itu! Since i been here, nak la jugak membeli noritake barang seset dua. And menghabiskan tahun terakhir di ...
nur kasih
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This is something that i'm waiting for so long. At last the movie come to see the fan and if i'm not mistaken the sneak preview was held yesterday. There is nothing to talk about the film, if you have had watched the series it wont take long to make you fall in love with it, make you excitedly waiting for its sequel. how i wish i could come to see it in cinema like what we used to do in past. I wonder if the film could beat the high rating result made by the drama, just wait and see. Like what nur amina said, "i'm not the one who cry, but it would make the audience cry", absolutely!.
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actually during the chaos caused by the earthquake and then followed by the nuclear radiation leakage last march, we took a chances to travel to the southern area of Japan as a way to chill ourselves. One of the place was Hiroshima which ironically is the first city in history to be destroyed by nuclear weapon in world war II. It has been 66 years since the first atomic bomb which dropped by the US Army, Hiroshima City now has developed dramatically and you will see no sign of suffering of the blast. Except for the only building that was preserved as a memorial to the people who were killed in the atomic bombing tragedy in 1945. It is known as Atomic Bomb Dome. The building was first named as Hiroshima Prefectural Commercial Exhibition, before the bomb detonated almost directly above the building. There were large numbers of people died from the effects of burn, radiation and other injuries compound by illness. if 66 years ago, they faced the thre...
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it is not easy to make people laugh and get amused. it has been a long time since i last watched comedian that can really make me laugh and at the same time enjoyed their performance. i did enjoyed senario group at the early years of their appearance but eventually the jokes their make are so stereotypic, annoying and ridiculous. but we can still watch for the best comedy series by charlie chaplin or Mr bean which are still fresh and relevant though they were produced years ago. I start watch this series of maharaja lawak recently while we were back in Malaysia. I found that there are a few contestants that really do a good job in making people laugh and they are really talented and got the skill right. One of them is Jozan, consist of Johan and Zizan as a duo. since then, we keep following the episodes, and last week's episode was the best of them i think so far. The theme for the last week's episode is sile...
Happy Teacher's Day
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One fine morning, there was one little girl who whining her father for a bunch of flowers to be given to her teacher. It was a teachers day and she want to give the flowers to her classroom teacher as everybody in the class were intended to do so. However, father refused to buy because it was not their family's customs to celebrate any event by giving flowers and moreover a bunch of beautiful flowers of the florist at that time was a bit costly . But the girl insisted to have them and was about to cry when suddenly father came out with this one brilliant idea. He took a cutter and disappeared out of the house. He came back later with a bunch of bougainvillea in his hand. He then took a secondhand ribbon out of nowhere and tied it at the base of the stem. It was perfectly done, he handed to his daughter, smiling. the girl anyhow didn't feel satisfied because after all she just want the one that from the florist. whe...
second child syndrome
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when i was in maktab long time ago, my lecturer had told us the story about this syndrome. it is called second child syndrome and basically it refer to sibling with same sex in a row, for example the first and second daughter, the first and second son, or the third and fourth daughter and so on. Here is the hypothesis is all about: if you have 2 daughters in a row, normally the second one would be much much extra in every way. it is either lebih nakal, lebih garang, lebih keras hati, lebih daya tahan, lebih malas, lebih pandai, lebih suka merajuk, lebih manja or anything compared to the first one. i dont know how true the syndrome is but when i checked on the net, there is other version of meaning of the syndrome. Though it just an opinion based on incomplete evidence, i do feel the truth of it anyway. If i look in my families, among our cousins the second child is more mischievous, stubborn, daring and enthusiastic. The closest example is...
contact lense
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if you one of the user, you might know how true this story i'm about to tell. I started use lenses during my second year of university as one of my friend made a move in using it. i bought it using my scholarship money at rm200 per pair and can be used for 2 years. since then, i'm being a hardcore user as i have this skin allergic which means my skin cannot bear contacting with any material in such a long time(gold is exceptional). If it so, it will leave a mark or a rushes appear on the contact area which can lead to wound, in this case mark appeared between eyes and nose and area between eyes and ears. One more thing is i feel my tudung condition become imperfect once i use the specs, beside i look older than my age. so within these long time of using it, there are many real, funny story to be shared here. my friend who first invent to this field has fall asleep once she put the lenses on. it was inside bus and when she wakes up she rubbed her ey...
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semalam dada type nih, name saye dada. umo saye 7tahun. rumah saye danchi. saye nak jadik dokter. ulasan saya: rasa terkejut, suka pon ada sebab usually she is more into nihonggo. walaupon nak masuk 7 tahun, untuk kanak-kanak yang sepertinya: tinggal dan membesar di persekitaran yang menggunakan nihonggo saya rasa satu perkara yang bagus bila dia memilih untuk menulis dalam bahasa melayu walaupun kanak-kanak di malaysia yang seusianya dah more advance kan. ejaan untuk perkataan digunakan sangatlah pasar, saye>>>saya, dokter>>>doktor, he3 rosak bahasa ibunda, for sure amik masa nak tuning balik nih may be dia terpengaruh dengan bahasa harian yang kami gunakan or dengan bahasa chatting yang mama dia selalu guna. umo>>>umur, jadik>>jadi. Tapi kami notice satu perkara iaitu Ari chan kalu balik malaysia, vocabularynya makin bertambah dan bahasa melayunya bertambah baik. Rasanya, tak susah nak gilap balik kemahiran berbahasa nih once dah ...
vending machine
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have you ever seen this kind of machine? Actually it is a vending machine for selling baby diaper. I was very attracted to it when i was first time saw. But you could see the machine everywhere here, in fact there is other machine that sell bun, cigarette, ice cream beside selling drinks which commonly we have in Malaysia. These vending machines are placed everywhere and they are in good condition and well maintain. I was away for sometime, and may be i missed something but i guess they are a step ahead in technology and a very highly civilized society.
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If you have had watched the drama, you may know why i love it so much. It is full of messages, sacrifice and not just an ordinary love story. Each time i watched or read story about the same topic, i will get touched so easily and sometimes i cry by myself. Is it mean that anything regarding it is so related to me that much? For those who know me outside, you might know how i finally get involved in it. How hardly i tried to avoided to be it at first and how prejudice i was on it at that time. But Allah really knows the best for me and everything seems to be arranged beautifully. How i get retrenched from my previous company and at the same time the offer came just nice on time. But the most unforgettable thing is how cruel i was to let my fiancé settled everything regarding the application and i seem like one irresponsible person. When i need to go to interview, i was unprepared at all, in fact i was not showing any interest in th...
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as everybody knows, sakura or cherry flower is synonymous with Japan and it is regarded as a national flower here. So, the arrival of cherry blossom season is something that is awaited for many Japanese. It also indicate the beginning of the new fiscal year in Japan's calender. However the flower is so fragile and have a very short life span. So, they pay close attention to the forecast and turn out in large number in park, shrine or temple with families or friends to hold the flower viewing party or they called it hanami. picture from Normally they would have some food and drinks, sitting on the mat under the sakura tree and chatting together while enjoying the beauty of the flowers. as far as i concerned Japanese people appreciate the nature so much that they wouldn't miss every single bit of it which comes only once a year. This scenario is something that not exist in Malaysia, furthermore with the hot and humid weather all year round, we can see any flowers...