actually,the main reason pgi dentist sebab mmg nak buat treatment, as my fren said the treatment mmg sgt2 bagus. other reason is, mmg ader gigi geraham yg before worse come to worst better pgi check n fix mana2 yg patut. this coming friday will be my seventh appointment, and i really feel the satisfaction of my teeth condition.
kalu kat msia, kita pgi dentist then ckp part mna yg sakit or service apa yg kita nak cthnya scaling ke. then dentist tuh pon akan buat something kat bhgian yg sakit tuh,whether cabut or tampal. and kalu kita mmg nk buat scaling, dentist akan scaling shj gigi patient. it really depends on the patient needs.(sila betulkan jika sy salah)
but here, once kita dh pgi dentist, dia akan buat treatment untuk keseluruhannya sekali. segala apa yg rosak, perlu diperbaiki akan diperbaiki. everything tentang gigi kita, dia akan buat bagi elok. they do the treatment part by part, a little at time,very gentle, and for my geraham yang rosak tuh aje, it took 3 times appointment to settled. that why la, my appointment going to be seventh :D.
one of the reason, why they set the appointment continuously is may be because of the fee.for one time visit,the fee is less than 2000 yen which is much much affordable for every one.the whole bunch treatment at one time may cause the fee higher and the longer time consume too. and the hidden target is that they will have a number of permanent patient at least for about 3 months!(business strategy)
Japanese people are very conscious of their teeth cleanliness, (or may be because most of them are heavy smoker?) and to my surprise, old folks also intend to visit the dentist very often. warga tua nih sangat2 berdisiplin utk dtg memenuhi appointment, w/pon ada yg sudah bongkok tiga. yang kelakarnya yang bergigi palsu pon dtg .agak2nya apa treatment yg sesuai utk pemakai gigi2 palsu nih kan?
kalu inilah senarionya, tak salah kalu anak2 kita bercita-cita nak jadik dentist. janganlah jadi mcm klinik gigi tuttt di parit r_ _a yang bila saya tengok mcm hidup segan mati tak mahu. bila saya semakin gembira dengan gigi saya, cik abang sayang (banker bank negara)pulak mula bising bila tretment gigi nak habis nih? sebab poket dia sudah semakin kering!!
btw, awak wat treatment apa? cabut gigi atau betulkan geraham tuh? how much yerr?
p/s: Aisyah dah hilang 2 gigi depan. Sedih sangat :( mungkin lps nih kena pakai ubat gigi kut
gg sy lbh kurng mcm gambo model tuh, hehe
x cabut pon, dia tampal, scaling n ntah apa2 ntah dia buat bagi gg sy nih elok seeloknya.bnyk btol step nya.
ala cptnya gg aishah 2 thn kn? pas nih kalu senyum mesti nmpk la gg dia yg lopong tu eh? kawaii..
x semua klinik gg kt msia x baguih..aku penah jumpa klinik yg bagus./.yg check thoroughly..esp pusat kesihatan ukm. :)
american jugak sgt pentingkan kesihatan gg dan gg dorang mmg cantik3..yg peliknya japanese pong gg conscious, tp ramai3 yg aku tgk kat opis sume ggnya bekarat..kui3
tu la, aku pon bukn tau sgt sbb mmg jarang2 sgt pgi dulu kt msia. oh ader ek?
mmg setuju, kat sni pompuan yg cntik2 pon gg BERkarat.diorng mmg smoke sbb cuaca sejuk, mcm nenek2 kita dulu smoke sbb pg2 ms nk menoreh sejuk+nk halau nyamuk.tang gg berkarat tuh, mmg konpius !