a 'gift' for a man

this entry might be something personal, thought to share it here on how i celebrate the very-very-important-man in my life.

last Saturday was my hubby's birthday, and as usual i make a planning to celebrate the day with the kids. i like surprises so much, and always plan to surprise him on the birthday. but since we have khaleeda, the surprise turned out to no-surprise because of big mouth she had!
always, " papa, mama dah beli kek utk papa tadi, tapi ssshhh surprise!", and vice versa the same thing happened on my birthday too. so, when they shouted "surprise!!!", what he/me did was to pretend as we know nothing and acted like really get shocked of the surprise. like last tuesday, i trained dada n ari to sing the birthday song and they did sing the song immediately right after their papa is home. papa just smiled and said,"blom lagi,blom lagi la..." but, this time i planned to throw the party one day earlier which is on Friday and kept it secret from kids until all the preparation done. it just a small party, the four of us, the cake and candles, the present, the song and balloons.

about the present, actually i came to the dead end to think about it. been 10 years together, there were variety of things given, and it was hard to find one that really suitable for 'man' actually. so, these years lately my gift to him was just 'an approval'. means, when he is eyeing on something valuable, i know some how he will return to me and ask for my approval (though the money is all belong to him). so, i just say 'yes' and 'it would be your birthday present too,ok? '.
papa present
a small and tiny present for papa
i like to hand-made the card, so this is the card which the idea i get back from my old school days.
papa card
the card
as the whole family like the chocolate cake very much, i ordered the chocolate cake with strawberry on top of it.
papa cake
the cake
papa birthday1

i end the entry with the video, showing the excitement kids welcoming their birthday's boy home.


Kamalia said…
hehehe..klakar la dada ni..xbole smpn rahsia..hepi belated birthday tuk abang akak..smoga selamat,murah rezeki n pnjg umur..:))
p/s:sy xpenah pun buat suprise tuk kamil, sbb sy sndr xbole nk simpn rahsia.,mulut mst gatal nk bgtau dia jgk nnt..:p
Suhaila said…

ini ler projek besar nyer tu...
mis said…
comei.. comei ari n dada nyanyi lagu besday!!! ^_^ pian x terharu ke?? cam cover2 muke takut nmpak airmata meleleh jek.. kuikuii..

p/s: aku pon selalu jadik peng'approval' si dia jugek :)
Ajzie said…
Hehehe anak2 kak azi pun sana. dan kadang rasa sgt kelakar tgk telatah mereka yg sgt excited about birthday celebration.

Comel yg kecil tuh nyanyi birthday song.. hehehh

Happy belated birthday to ur man..
Idayu said…
tq for the wish.ooo sama spesis ngan dada yea? mmgla, akk nih rs tension jgk sbb kena simpan secret sensorng. pas tuh pikir, jdk ker surprise kali nih?? mmg tertekan jgk la nk tunggu masa tuh sampai,saja je sonok2 he3x..

haah la..pas nih kalu nk ajak tgk kasut ker, sushi ker kira ON ok..

ntah, apa perasaan dia ntah. tp dia kata terkejut la jgk.yg dia pusing blakang ms dlm video tuh sbb dia nk kunci pintu la....

p/s: jd tukang approve jer la mis, dah kita gaji pong tak dok:(

kak azie,
bdk2 mmg mcm tuh kan kalu bab2 birthday nih, excited sakan! fareeha kalu kita nyanyi 'to papa' dia kata "bukan..bukan..to ari"heheheh
mama syg said…
selamat panjang umur dalam iman,semoga dilimpahi rezeki yang halal,diafiatkan tubuh badan,diberkati di dunia akhirat..amin...

cutenye ari..
Idayu said…
mama syg,
tq for the doa..

ari mmg cute alwayss har3x
Qimy said…

baru sempat jenguk blog member3 ari ni..telambat lak nak wish pian happy burfday..

semoga umo3 mendtg dibawah keberkatan Ilahi.
Idayu said…
tq...busy gamaknyer ko ek?
Yanti said…
dah besar ari..dah pndai nyanyi lak tu..pd pian hepi belated bufday.
pisst..pisst..cukup makan nmpknyer pian (nmpk dah bolat muke tu :D)
Idayu said…
beso dah, nk msuk 2 thn.tq for the wish.

mesti ler, bini dia msk sodap!!har3x

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