Tag from Liza Fukuoka

RULES: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers and enter yours. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real... nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

What is your name: Ruhiana
A four letter word: Rack
boy's name: Rahman
A girl's name: Rubiah
An occupation: Rubber tapper
A colour: Red
Something you'll wear: Ring
A food: Roasted chicken
Something found in the bathroom: Roll of toilet paper
A place: Rome
A reason for being late: Road block
Something you'd shout: Run!
A movie title: Ransom
Something you drink: Raspberry Cordial
musical group: Red Hot Chili Peppers
An animal: Rabbit
A street name: Rumbia Street
A type of car: Rolls royce
The title of a song: Renjis-renjis dipilis (hentam saje laa)

ok la...x nak tag sesapa..tq liza sbb memeningkan kapla hotak nih.


Anonymous said…
wow.. bagus2.. cepat siap! cikgu ktkn.. xtag sesapa dh ek? insaf dh ker? hehehe... best la tajuk lagu 2.. tingat gmbr kahwin ayu...
Nur said…
sedapnyerrr roasted chicken..lapo nih!
Idayu said…
haah dh insaf..kihkihkih

btol ke ader lagu tajuk tue?? hentam saje la labuuuu..
Idayu said…

eleh jgn ler eksen, mentang2 ko duk msia senang2 bole mkn kenny rogers! kang aku jgk terliur, last2 ke dapur jgk ku..udah ler x geti kihkih
Nur said…
weh..aku lama doh x jejak kenny rogers tuh!mahal siut!last mkn hr tu pun sbb dpt kupon free..hehehehe...
Idayu said…
ooo sokka. tp mkn ler jgk tuh...kuikuikui

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