kids really say the darndest things!
Kids nowadays are really good at talking and giving opinion, thus we sometimes never expect that they can really say the thing maturely. Here are some examples of my kids at giving opinion or menceceh to be exact.
i was reading the newspaper online, while busing mumbling about the news that i read,
" tgk nih baby kecik2 lagi, dah kena buang kat tong sampah. mama dia tak sayang kat dia lah nih.
Ya Allah, bas nih accident lagi, tergolek masuk dalam gaung. Tuh la bwk bas laju macam pelesit.
Gaduh-gaduh, pas tuh bunuh. tak abis-abis kes bunuh, tak ada hati perut langsung"
Dada: uuiisshhh...macam-macam Malaysia nih!!!
Dada: Ucu, kenapa tak pakai tudung, kan papa ada? Tak baik tau, kan papa tak boleh tengok rambut ucu!
Ucunya pun buat muka senyum kambing..he3
Every time i get angry with Ari chan, i will asked her to put on her jacket and stay outside. Then she will cry and say sorry again and again, keep telling me she dont want to sleep outside.
When she getting angry with her papa, she will say, "papa naughty! pegi kuar!"
Dada is a schema girl, everything must be in order and proper way. So, she dont want to be late for school or else she will miss the lesson in class. Every morning, while getting ready for school they will watch the kids program on tv and they certainly will be so engrossed watching it. Therefore i have to trigger her for every single thing, "Dada, pakai baju cepat", "pakai setokin cepat""cepat makan"n blablablabla.......
Then when we arrived school late, she will says,
" tuh la dah lambat, nih suma mama punya pasal"
cool down
When sometimes my hb and i have to argue on certain issue, they will look at each other until finally Ari says," Jangan gado-gado, mama papa!!".
We were in the car, while suddenly another "car" passed by.
Papa: fuyyoooo..cantiknya kereta tuh...
Dada: Mana-mana??? Alah, tak cantik la. tak de sunroof!
While watching drama,
Dada: Mama, perempuan nih siapa?
Me: Isteri dia lah.
Dada: perempuan yang tadi tuh?
Me: Isteri dia jugak
Dada: Kenapa nak ada 2 isteri pulak??!!
Each time we watch any movies or dramas, and the show is just at the beginning, Dada will busing asking me this and that, sapa jahat, sapa baik, ini sapa, kenapa, macamana...
Sometimes i ask her to keep quite and just watch and sometimes i say this " Dia ada bagitau mama tak? tak de kan? So, mama pun tak tau la".
And when i need to skip certain scene of the dramas to do prayer or cooking, definitely i want to keep track the story,
me: apa jadi Dada?? Dah mati ker?
Dada: Dia ada bagitau dada tak? tak de kan? macamana dada nak tahu....
Kids actually say the thing from their heart, as they are so pure and sincere without any hidden intention. Sometimes they can play as a reminder to us, to something that we, the parent have been forgotten about.
i have heard this many times, many years ago that the way our kids treat us somehow is exactly the same way we treat our moms before...serve your right mama!!
i was reading the newspaper online, while busing mumbling about the news that i read,
" tgk nih baby kecik2 lagi, dah kena buang kat tong sampah. mama dia tak sayang kat dia lah nih.
Ya Allah, bas nih accident lagi, tergolek masuk dalam gaung. Tuh la bwk bas laju macam pelesit.
Gaduh-gaduh, pas tuh bunuh. tak abis-abis kes bunuh, tak ada hati perut langsung"
Dada: uuiisshhh...macam-macam Malaysia nih!!!
Dada: Ucu, kenapa tak pakai tudung, kan papa ada? Tak baik tau, kan papa tak boleh tengok rambut ucu!
Ucunya pun buat muka senyum kambing..he3
Every time i get angry with Ari chan, i will asked her to put on her jacket and stay outside. Then she will cry and say sorry again and again, keep telling me she dont want to sleep outside.
When she getting angry with her papa, she will say, "papa naughty! pegi kuar!"
Dada is a schema girl, everything must be in order and proper way. So, she dont want to be late for school or else she will miss the lesson in class. Every morning, while getting ready for school they will watch the kids program on tv and they certainly will be so engrossed watching it. Therefore i have to trigger her for every single thing, "Dada, pakai baju cepat", "pakai setokin cepat""cepat makan"n blablablabla.......
Then when we arrived school late, she will says,
" tuh la dah lambat, nih suma mama punya pasal"
cool down
When sometimes my hb and i have to argue on certain issue, they will look at each other until finally Ari says," Jangan gado-gado, mama papa!!".
We were in the car, while suddenly another "car" passed by.
Papa: fuyyoooo..cantiknya kereta tuh...
Dada: Mana-mana??? Alah, tak cantik la. tak de sunroof!
While watching drama,
Dada: Mama, perempuan nih siapa?
Me: Isteri dia lah.
Dada: perempuan yang tadi tuh?
Me: Isteri dia jugak
Dada: Kenapa nak ada 2 isteri pulak??!!
Each time we watch any movies or dramas, and the show is just at the beginning, Dada will busing asking me this and that, sapa jahat, sapa baik, ini sapa, kenapa, macamana...
Sometimes i ask her to keep quite and just watch and sometimes i say this " Dia ada bagitau mama tak? tak de kan? So, mama pun tak tau la".
And when i need to skip certain scene of the dramas to do prayer or cooking, definitely i want to keep track the story,
me: apa jadi Dada?? Dah mati ker?
Dada: Dia ada bagitau dada tak? tak de kan? macamana dada nak tahu....
Kids actually say the thing from their heart, as they are so pure and sincere without any hidden intention. Sometimes they can play as a reminder to us, to something that we, the parent have been forgotten about.
i have heard this many times, many years ago that the way our kids treat us somehow is exactly the same way we treat our moms before...serve your right mama!!
salam kenal dr sendai...
tetiba saya teringat anak buah saya..kalau time dia malas kite mintak tolong ambikkan apa2 ke, mula la dia menjawab "ada kaki ada tangan pegi la ambik sendiri".. eee, geram je dengar..hehe
mmg, especially ank sulung sebijik ikut gaya kita kecik2 dulu...
p/s: tetiba teringat kisah ank yg bagi emak dia mkn guna tempurung tuh...sedeyy
ya, kalu time kita tenang n x bnyk kija bole jek jwb dgn fakta bagai..
cuba time mama dia tgh tension, tgh sibuk buat kija haaa..dpt marah jek la dia..teruk btol la mama dia nih kan,
kalu org putih tuh, diorng treat ank mmg kwn2 kan..suma benda ader jawapan n kdg2 ank tuh pon x dpt beza ant parent n kwn2 dia.
mmg diorng akan dengo n perati jek mak bpk diorng nyer feel, pas tuh pulang paku buah keras balik.
kita sbg parent mmg kena tunjuk contoh yg baik kpd ank2 kan..
amni good girl, kecik2 dh jadik onechan kan..
Hani MY,
nnti dh ader ank, pening kapla nk jwb mcm2...tapi mmg kawaii jek la tgk mulut kecik tuh menceceh!
salam kenal n tq singgah!
kdg2 time kita nk concentrate baca or tgk tv ker, akk siap suh diorng senyap kejap 5 minit. 5 min jek bg mama ms nk paham benda nih btol2, sbb mmg x bole nk concentrate langsung bila diorng ader kat umh.
pulak tuh bdk pompuan mmg mula ckp awal, since umo sethn dh pandai ckp...penat btol dengo diorng membebel..
2,3 bln nnti muaz pon start ler membebel tuh..
tp betul kan..anak2 ni cermin diri kita..setiap kali anak aku ngamuk, aku tanya diri aku, aku ke yg ajar mcm tu..kengkdg byk perangai aku yg buruk aku nampak pd anak aku...insaf aku beb....
welcome back!rindu kat ko jugak..
iya, ank sulung lagi lah...
aku tgk ank aku yg sulung tuh keras kapla nyer sebijik aku ha3..
tp kdg2, aku terpikir jgk,aku nih bukan mak yg baik...isk..isk..
bestnyer ada kembar 3...comey2 sumanya,,